- Fixed an exploit with login system
- Fixed an exploit with Tek sword dash and ziplines
- Fixed a server crash when using the grapple hook
- Optimizations resulting in more available RAM
- Map fixes and polish (Aberration)
- Fixed instances where stone pick and crossbow remained in lower resolution when starting the game in “extreme low memory mode”
- Mek shield debuff is no longer given on shield deactivation
- Buffed Tek Turret health by 50%
- Outside of Mek shield debuff reduced to 30 seconds (from 60)
- Snow Owl freeze buff will no longer dismount riders
- Players and Dinos are now immune to the snow owl freeze for 10 seconds after being frozen
- Snow Owl Encapsulate/freeze wind up changed from 1.3 seconds to 2.6
- Reduced Tek Tapejara Saddle projectile damage by 30%
- Reduced Plant Species Z Fruit weight to 10