- Fixed an issue with collision on several meshes
- Fixed several mesh holes in various biomes
- Improved hover skiff movement and operation on steep terrain
- Fixed a damage exploit with Ferox
- Ferox should now keep its imprint buff when in large form
- Reduced cloning cost for the Giant Turtle
- Improved HLNA performance when crafting a large number of items
- Teleporting East in the Bog biome will no longer transport the player South East
- Insect swarms now give chitin instead of hide
- Modified the no-build zone in the main volcano cave
- Adjusted the trajectory of lunar comets to prevent edge cases of players and dinos dying
- Fixed a rare case where the mining drill could damage the tek sensor
- Activation/deactivation settings will now save on the tek alarm
- Activation/deactivation settings will now save on the pressure plate
- The lava on The Island in caves and the lava in the Wyvern trench on S.E. will no longer damage Magmasaur
- Improved localization on the Rockwell boss fight and end cutscene
- Cryopods can be accessed in the HLNA Shop again
- Enabled several performance-related visual tweaks on wild Astrocetus
- Improved the accuracy of HLNA cardinal direction when teleporting
- HLNA teleportation logic now tries to avoid turrets, non-allied players, and hostile dinos
- Fixed an exploit with cruise missiles that allowed them to bypass turrets
- Improved several visual components of the mission UI (difficulty text, leaderboards, item lists, mission notifications)
- Made adjustments in areas near the volcano to fix rare instances where eruptions would instantly kill players/dinos
- Significantly reduced the frequency and slightly increased the duration of green rain in the big biome
- Reduced the number of insect swarms in Bog biome by about 25%
- Added a cooldown between green rain insect swarm spawns.
- Fixed an edge case that caused the player to be destroyed when mounting an Equus and equipping its saddle
- Increased the placement radius check for ocean platforms to prevent them from being placed next to enemy foundations/platforms
- Prevented Meks from being deployed in the VR Mission
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from receiving the mission buff in specific biomes (Bog/Ocean/Arctic)
- Fixed the increased damage multiplier in various biomes
- Reduced the bat spawns in the main volcano within the volcano biome

Can we talk about how you are going to fix the network slowing that has been happening or how whenever you add in 3.5 or 3X to the servers it chokes it to death? But yet when you run a charity event for some reason the specs are right on the money and it doesn’t crash at 8X?