Artifacts and Boss Monster / Summon Broodmother Lysrix

Boss enemies are not running around like the other dinosaurs in Ark. These must be called by using an artifact. These arifacts can randomly be found in dungeons in a loot crystal. At the moment 6 artifacts are known:


arte_clever Clever
Dungeon North
arte_pack Pack
Dungeon South 2
arte_devour Devourer
Dungeon North-East
arte_skylord Skylord
Dungeon West
artefakt_hunter Hunter
Dungeon South
artefakt_massiv Massive
Dungeon South-East

A list of the dungeons including a tiny tutorial can be found on our page: Dungeons and Caves

If you’ve got all 6 artifacts, you’ll have to insert them in an obelisk to summon the broodmother lysrix.

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