Author: mahagon

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 195.2 – Patchnotes

These are the changes of ARK: Survival Evolved’s Patch 195.2, grouped into categories for clarity. If not otherwise indicated, they’re quoted from the relevant Steam Thread.

Server Hotfix

  • You can no longer upload or download Forcetamed creatures via ARK Tribute (Obelisks) that are not actually Tame-able. (i.e. Alpha predators)
  • Admin Forcetamed creatures that are not actually Tame-able are automatically destroyed upon map reloading. (i.e. Alpha predators)

(Original Announcement on Steam)

Here are the patchnotes of the previous patch (195.1)

Youtube: Dodo Death Squad

I saw that awesome ARK: Survival Evolved Cartoon “Dodo Death Squad” on Steam. This just reminded me of the first hours playing Ark. I hope you will like it. If you ask me it is hilarious.

Mod: Sedative Longneck Rifle Dart

It has been some time, but now the first usable mods are available to subscribe on Steam Workshop. The “Sedative Longneck Rifle Dart” Mod was made by potatojoe, it adds new sedative ammunition for the longneck rifle. This is a really strong narcotic: A level two Bronto just needed four darts until it was stunned. Personally, I think its a little bit too strong for a multiplayer server at the moment. I also would have liked darts to remain for on the dino body longer.

ARK Survival Stunned Bronto




Sedative Longneck Rifle DartRecipe:

Simple Rifle Ammo  1 x Simple Rifle Ammo  (ID: 144)

12 x Narcotics (ID: 123)

Fiber 5 x Fiber (ID: 76)


Engram: Longneck Rifle

Engram: Narcotic

20 Engram Points

Level 35

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 192.0 – Patchnotes

These are the changes of ARK: Survival Evolved’s Patch 192.0, grouped into categories for clarity. If not otherwise indicated, they’re quoted from the relevant Steam Thread.

Item Changes

  • Sickle now yields 3x the amount of Fiber it was previously harvesting per stroke.
  • Canteen can now be properly filled up at a Water Tap.


  • Lots more Dino Damage overlays (almost all of them), and now properly dissolves away

Server Changes

  • Various Spectator Camera and control improvements
  • Primitive Servers now have the missing engrams: Feeding Trough and Sickle
  • Reduced aggressive immediate dino repopulation to avoid server lag spikes


  • Fixed Function and Middle Mouse Wheel keybindings work again
  • Fixed a bug that was causing hitchy startup/loading on Mac/Linux and memory spikes on some dedicated servers
  • Players should not randomly become spectators anymore

Here are the patchnotes of the previous patch (191.0)

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 191.0 – Patchnotes

These are the changes of ARK: Survival Evolved’s Patch 191.0, grouped into categories for clarity. If not otherwise indicated, they’re quoted from the relevant Steam Thread.

Item Changes

  • Metal Sickle weapon for harvesting Fiber from seed-plants
  • Compound Bow has 5x more effective durability, less camera shake when pulled
  • Modern Polymer Canteen Item stores up to 300 water and uses 100 per sip. (and is lighter than jars)
  • Water Jars can now be used twice, with 100 water restored per sip
  • PvE can no longer add or demolish transponders on non-ally Tamed Dinos or Players.


  • Trilobite, your new favorite renewable source of Chitin and Silica
ARK Survival Evoilved Trilobite

Server Changes

  • Max Number of Tamed Dinos on the ARK is now server-customizable value, and bumped up the default by 1000
  • Admin Spectator camera (and an extra password you can use for anyone to access spectator mode) + spectator-controls UI


  • Improved loading speed, RAM usage, and streaming performance
  • Smoother multiplayer character interpolation, jitters eliminated


  • Redone painting UI to allow switching colors and re-dying brushes from directly within the painting UI


  • Mac Gamepad input fixes


  • Fixed exploit that could push characters through walls in edge case

Here are the patchnotes of the previous patch (190.0)

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 188.0 – Patchnotes

These are the changes of ARK: Survival Evolved’s Patch 188.0, grouped into categories for clarity. If not otherwise indicated, they’re quoted from the relevant Steam Thread.


  • Electronic Animal Trackers: Put it on anything you want to find again or track. Like yourself for finding the corpse after dying, or on an enemy for finding his base.


  • You can now host Non-Dedicated Sessions for smaller groups for coop playing.

Dinosaur Eggs

  • Eggs are about 50% more common to find
  • Eggs now last for 30 min on ground (prev was 20 min)


  • Bronto now likes a certain Kibble 😉


  • Massive performance improvement to structural integrity calculation (namely, less lag/stalls on the server when destroying/replacing pieces of large connected structures)


  • Fixed pop-in of underwater cave meshes
  • Fixed a bug with structure limits (PhysX overlap limit was being exceeded), and reset the default value to 6000 (should cover even the biggest current bases that we’ve seen on Official Servers). The new configurable/commandline value is: NewMaxStructuresInRange=6000
  • Swimming backwards on a dino no longer desyncs with the server
  • Tamed Scorp shouldn’t drown anymore. In fact various tamed dinos that were not swimming to the surface should now try to stay on the surface when not being ridden.
  • Fixed pop-in of underwater cave meshes



(Original Announcement on Steam)

Here are the patchnotes of the previous patch (187.22)

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 187.22 – Patchnotes

These are the changes of ARK: Survival Evolved’s Patch 187.22, grouped into categories for clarity. If not otherwise indicated, they’re quoted from the relevant Steam Thread.


  • Uploading/Downloading Items to ARK Tribute Inventory now works in singleplayer

(Original Announcement on Steam)

Here are the patchnotes of the previous patch (187.21)

Automatic Update for Linux Servers

As announced in the windows auto update thread: Here is the Linux version of it!


rcon (How to:

Automatic Update for Linux – Script

Save this spoiler as bash file, like

[sourcecode toolbar=”true” language=”bash” title=”update.cmd”]
SERVERSTARTCOMMAND=$SERVERDIR"/ShooterGame/Binaries/Linux/ShooterGameServer \"TheIsland?QueryPort=27015?Port=7777?SetCheatPlayer=True?RCONEnabled=True?RCONPort="$RCONPORT"?listen\" -servergamelog -server -log"

if [ ! -f $SERVERDIR/latestinstalledupdate.txt ] ; then
touch $SERVERDIR/latestinstalledupdate.txt
echo "0" > $SERVERDIR/latestinstalledupdate.txt
if [ -f $SERVERDIR/updateinprogress.dat ] ; then
if [ $(( (`date +%s` – `stat -L –format %Y $SERVERDIR/updateinprogress.dat`) > (60*60) )) -eq 1 ] ; then
rm -f $SERVERDIR/updateinprogress.dat
if [ ! -f $SERVERDIR/updateinprogress.dat ] ; then
touch $SERVERDIR/updateinprogress.dat
rm -fr $STEAMDIR/appcache
$STEAMCMDDIR/ +login anonymous +app_info_update 1 +app_info_print "376030" +quit | grep -EA 1000 "^\s+\"branches\"$" | grep -EA 5 "^\s+\"public\"$" | grep -m 1 -EB 10 "^\s+}$" | grep -E "^\s+\"buildid\"\s+" | tr ‘[:blank:]"’ ‘ ‘ | tr -s ‘ ‘ | cut -d’ ‘ -f3 > $SERVERDIR/latestavailableupdate.txt
sleep 1m
LATESTUPDATE=`cat $SERVERDIR/latestavailableupdate.txt`
INSTALLEDUPDATE=`cat $SERVERDIR/latestinstalledupdate.txt`
$RCONFILE -P$RCONPASSWORD -a$RCONIP -p$RCONPORT broadcast New update available, server is restarting in 10 minutes!
sleep 5m
$RCONFILE -P$RCONPASSWORD -a$RCONIP -p$RCONPORT broadcast New update available, server is restarting in 5 minutes!
sleep 4m
sleep 1m
sleep 10
if [ -f $SERVERDIR/ShooterGame/Saved/SavedArks/TheIsland.ark ] ; then
while [ $COUNTER -lt 5 ]; do
if [ $(( (`date +%s` – `stat -L –format %Y $SERVERDIR/ShooterGame/Saved/SavedArks/TheIsland.ark`) > (2*60) )) -eq 1 ] ; then
sleep 1m
$RCONFILE -P$RCONPASSWORD -a$RCONIP -p$RCONPORT broadcast New update available, server is restarting!
echo "$(date) Update – $(echo $INSTALLEDUPDATE) to $(echo $LATESTUPDATE)" >> $(echo $SERVERDIR)/Updatelog.txt
$STEAMCMDDIR/ +login anonymous +app_info_update 1 +app_info_print "376030" +app_info_print "376030" +quit | grep -EA 1000 "^\s+\"branches\"$" | grep -EA 5 "^\s+\"public\"$" | grep -m 1 -EB 10 "^\s+}$" | grep -E "^\s+\"buildid\"\s+" | tr ‘[:blank:]"’ ‘ ‘ | tr -s ‘ ‘ | cut -d’ ‘ -f3 > $SERVERDIR/latestinstalledupdate.txt
rm -f $SERVERDIR/updateinprogress.dat
screen -wipe
rm -f $SERVERDIR/updateinprogress.dat

Copy the update.txt to your steamcmd folder

[sourcecode toolbar=”true” language=”plain” title=”update.txt”]
@NoPromptForPassword 1
@ShutdownOnFailedCommand 0
nSubscribedAutoDownloadMaxSimultaneous 32
@cMaxContentServersToRequest 32
@cMaxInitialDownloadSources 32
@fMinDataRateToAttemptTwoConnectionsMbps 0.01
@fDownloadRateImprovementToAddAnotherConnection 0.01
login anonymous
force_install_dir ../ark/
app_update 376030

How to use?

You can use Crontab to schedule this update.


-Added suggestions from the comments, thx for that

Automatic Update Script – Updated on 08/15/2015

To the pleasure of its fans, ARK has a really short update interval. This can however be infuriating for server administrators, so we set out to make your life a little bit easier: This script will automatically check whether there is a new update version, and in case there is, automatically update your server. The script is written in PowerShell (version 3 required). It will also inform your players before the update so that they can secure their stuff and log off in a safe location.



Save this text as update.cmd

[sourcecode toolbar=”true” language=”plain” title=”update.cmd”]
@echo off
ver | find "2003" > nul
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 goto ver_2003

if not exist "%SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" goto install

"%SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -command "exit $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major"
if %PSVer% LSS 3 goto ps1

powershell -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -File "%~dp0mainscript.ps1"


echo Powershell 2 is not supported.

echo Windows 2003 is not supported.

echo PowerShell is not installed


Save this text as mainscript.ps1

[sourcecode toolbar=”true” language=”powershell” title=”mainscript.ps1″]
# Without clearing cache app_info_update may return old informations!

$scriptPath = Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
$dataPath = $scriptPath+"\data"
$steamcmdExec = $steamcmdFolder+"\steamcmd.exe"
$steamcmdCache = $steamcmdFolder+"\appcache"
$latestAppInfo = $dataPath+"\latestappinfo.json"
$updateinprogress = $arksurvivalFolder+"\updateinprogress.dat"
$latestAvailableUpdate = $dataPath+"\latestavailableupdate.txt"
$latestInstalledUpdate = $dataPath+"\latestinstalledupdate.txt"
If (Test-Path $updateinprogress) {
Write-Host Update is already in progress
} Else {
Get-Date | Out-File $updateinprogress
Write-Host Creating data Directory
New-Item -Force -ItemType directory -Path $dataPath
If ($clearCache) {
Write-Host Removing Cache Folder
Remove-Item $steamcmdCache -Force -Recurse
Write-Host Checking for an update
& $steamcmdExec +login anonymous +app_info_update 1 +app_info_print $steamAppID +app_info_print $steamAppID +quit | Out-File $latestAppInfo
Get-Content $latestAppInfo -RAW | Select-String -pattern ‘(?m)"public"\s*\{\s*"buildid"\s*"\d{6,}"’ -AllMatches | %{$_.matches[0].value} | Select-String -pattern ‘\d{6,}’ -AllMatches | %{$_.matches} | %{$_.value} | Out-File $latestAvailableUpdate
If (Test-Path $latestInstalledUpdate) {
$installedVersion = Get-Content $latestInstalledUpdate
} Else {
$installedVersion = 0
$availableVersion = Get-Content $latestAvailableUpdate
if ($installedVersion -ne $availableVersion) {
Write-Host Update Available
Write-Host Installed build: $installedVersion – available build: $availableVersion
& $mcrconExec -c -H $rconIP -P $rconPort -p $rconPassword "broadcast New update available, server is restarting in 10 minutes!"
Start-Sleep -s 300
& $mcrconExec -c -H $rconIP -P $rconPort -p $rconPassword "broadcast New update available, server is restarting in 5 minutes!"
Start-Sleep -s 240
& $mcrconExec -c -H $rconIP -P $rconPort -p $rconPassword "broadcast New update available, server is restarting in 1 minute!"
Start-Sleep -s 60
& $mcrconExec -c -H $rconIP -P $rconPort -p $rconPassword "broadcast New update available, server is restarting!"
& $mcrconExec -c -H $rconIP -P $rconPort -p $rconPassword "saveworld"
Start-Sleep -s 10
#Does not work atm
# & $mcrconExec -c -H $rconIP -P $rconPort -p $rconPassword "quit"
$pidARK = (Wmic process where "Commandline like ‘%$rconPort%’ and Name=’ShooterGameServer.exe’" get ProcessId | findstr /r "[1-9][0-9]")
& taskkill /PID $pidARK
Start-Sleep -s 20
& $steamcmdExec +runscript $arksurvivalSteamScript
& $arksurvivalFolder"\ShooterGame\Binaries\Win64\ShooterGameServer.exe" $arkSurvivalStartArguments -nosteamclient -game -lowmemory -nosound -sm4 -server -log
$availableVersion | Out-File $latestInstalledUpdate
Write-Host Update Done!
Remove-Item $updateinprogress -Force

This is an example of my steamscript (put this in the steamcmd root folder):

[sourcecode toolbar=”true” language=”plain” title=”update_ark.txt”]

@ShutdownOnFailedCommand 1
@NoPromptForPassword 1
nSubscribedAutoDownloadMaxSimultaneous 32
@cMaxContentServersToRequest 16
@cMaxInitialDownloadSources 1
@fMinDataRateToAttemptTwoConnectionsMbps 0.01
@fDownloadRateImprovementToAddAnotherConnection 0.01
login anonymous
force_install_dir C:\arkserver\
app_update 376030
// validate

How to use it?

Edit the variables of mainscript.ps1 so that it fits to your environment.

To run it in an interval just use the Windows Task Scheduler and bind the update.cmd to it.


Hope we could help you with the automatic update script for windows!


serverlistA few days ago we published a Serverlist, which is not falsified by any premium ranking stuff. You can only get to the top of the list by voting / by pageviews.

We have splitted the server categories into these four:

1. PvP Server
2. PvE Server
3. Hardcore Server
4. Survival of the Fittest

To add your own server you have to create an account, you will be ask to do so after clicking on add your server.

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