ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 245.94 – Oculus VR Support!

Reintegrated core VR support for retail Oculus unit! Details here:
In ARK v245.94 on Windows, just enable this setting in your Oculus Control Panel for “Unknown Applications”, like so:

Then in-game with an Oculus hooked up and driver installed, in ARK’s Options Menu click the “Enable HMD VR” button which will appear in the bottom left. Put your Oculus Rift on, and the game will appear on the Oculus display (at the moment we can’t seem to display the Oculus stereoscopic render until the device is actually on your head).

It’s still an early implementation, but at least gets ARK back up to launch feature parity on the retail Oculus unit. Expect more improvements in the weeks ahead!

Happy VR Dino Hunting


ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 245.9 & 245.92


  • Added optional launch command for servers to disable non-meat Fish Loot: -nofishloot Requires server update.
  • Clamped Fishing Rod Effectiveness to 600%. Requires server update.
  • Industrial Grinder now yields up to 100 items of a type per grind (rather than 50). Requires server update.
  • Fixed client-side memory stomp crash (W+F bug)


  • Fixed a crash that would occur with the Industrial Grinder. Requires Server Update.

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 245.5 & 245.6 & 245.7


  • Fixed multiple-melee-attack bug with melee-weapons
  • Made Carnivore insta-harvest take the death-inventory of the victim as well (provided the Carnivore has Collect Victim Items enabled and sufficient Inventory Weight).


  • Fixed an issue with inability to harvest repeatedly when holding the attack button on a melee weapon. Requires server update.


  • Fixed various issues reported on TheCenter, and further optimized. Requires Server Update.
  • Rebalanced Fishing Rod loot table & scaling. Requires Server Update.
  • Made Carnivores not insta-harvest creatures that they kill, except for the Pelagornis and Beezlebufo as appropriate. Requires Server Update.

Primitive+ DLC-Relase and huge The Center-Update


Now available as a free DLC in the ‘ARK Official Mods Program’, Primitive+, created by Cedric Burkes, is playable as a functionality mod on all Official ARK Maps and challenges players by altering the available tools, weapons and structures in the game to reflect what humans could realistically create using primitive technology and resources. This does not simply remove advanced technology from ARK, but instead replaces it with a multitude of new resources, engrams and systems.

Players will need to specialize in specific roles and work together to complete their goals. Hunters, farmers, cooks and builders can band together to create a new, functioning society where diplomacy and even economics can matter. In Primitive Plus, you will not only cope with human society’s limitations, but unlock its potential.

The Center

As well as the release of Primitive+, this huge patch also covers a large expansion to The Center! The Center,  has now been expanded to include new biomes, islands, caves, and a completely new boss arena for survivors to explore, as well as the addition of a wide variety creatures to tame and be hunted.

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 245.3 & 243.4


Fixes & Improvements

  • Fixed & Improved Ragdoll Networked (requires Server And Client update). Also re-enabled Ragdoll Death Impulse.
  • Removed Fishing Rod Blueprint from Fish Loot Table and decreased Fish Loot Table Qualtiy by 33%, as well as marking certain Fish Loot Table Items to only occur at high-quality.
  • Land Dinos can now do movement-blocking attacks while in Water again (Scorpion etc), but not when Falling anymore 😉
  • Fixed potential memory corruption
  • Made Beezlebufo‘s 5x bug damage multiplier apply to Dragonflies as well (was always supposed to)


  • Fixed inability to Fish. Requires Server Update.

ARK: Survival Evolved Patch 245.0 & 245.1 & 245.2



  • The Center mega-update! (New Biomes, New Islands, New Caves & Creature Spawns, etc)
  • New Official Total Conversion: Primitive+, optimized, ‘completed’, and packaged as Free DLC
  • New Creature: Pelagornis!
  • New Creature: Allosaurus!
  • New Item: Fishing Rod + Fishing Mechanic! (Just Sap and Leech Blood baits for now, but many more baits will be added in the next day!)
  • New Structure: Industrial Grinder: grinds items into a portion of their crafting resources, converts resources into simpler resources
  • New Structure: Spiral Staircase (Stone/Wood/Metal)
  • New Mechanic: Optional Hitmarkers for ranged attacks (server can toggle them, as well as client if the server allows it). Default enabled, “?AllowHitMarkers=false” to disable. Also, server crosshair is now enabled by default, “?ServerCrosshair=false” to disable. There are now client options to disable these effects locally as well.
  • Building Attack/Destruction TribeLogs
  • UI Option to colorize item name texts based on quality level.


  • Offline Raid Protection mode now disables PIN Locking, and Structures in Caves no longer get ORP.



  • Fixed a server crash associated with Fishing
  • Fixed issue where carried Dinosaurs couldn’t attack
  • Fixed a server performance issue


Unversioned Hotfix: Fixed Primitive+ Storage Boxes not appearing. Requires Server and Client Update, please update accordingly!

  • Fixed issue with Tamed Pelagnornis disappearing. Requires server update!
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